1604 Lamons Lane , Suite 202, Johnson City TN 37604

Facial Aging Treatment in Asheville, NC

Facial Aging Treatment in Asheville, NC

Aging is an unavoidable part of life. We all grow older and expect to see some signs of aging in our appearances. But have you noticed that some people seem to age much more dramatically than others? That's because facial aging affects every person differently.

Facial aging can make you look older than you appear and damage your confidence. To request information on facial aging, call (843) 213-1480 or contact Dr. Dalal Akoury online.

Causes of Facial Aging

Some degree of facial aging is unavoidable. But certain triggers and repeated factors can lead to faster facial aging or increased facial aging. Some of the common causes of facial aging include:

These are just some of the issues that can lead to heavy facial aging. Of them, gravity is by far the biggest culprit. In general, the toll that gravity takes on the skin leads to sag, wrinkles and a number of symptoms of facial aging.

Types of Facial Aging

Facial aging appears in a number of different ways, and varies greatly from person to person. Many different facial aging issues exist, and can be treated in a variety of ways. Some of the most common signs of facial aging include:

  • Wrinkles
  • Crow's feet
  • Sagging skin
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Skin laxity
  • Skin discoloration

As everyone ages different, some people experience just one or a few of these issues, while others may experience nearly all of them. The one upside to facial aging is that nearly all of these conditions can be treated. The type of treatment you pursue depends on the individual nature of your facial aging and the recommendation of a professional.

Treatment of Facial Aging

There are numerous facial treatment options available, which can be sorted in to several broad categories. Some facial aging treatments include:

Each of these categories contains a variety of treatments, each of which can be tailed or combined with other methods to suit your individual needs as a patient. Some treatments to prevent facial aging may also be available.

Facial aging treatment typically begins with a basic consultation to discuss how your face has aged and the best course of treatment in addressing those issues.

Fight Facial Aging Now

Facial aging is unavoidable, but with skin treatments such as laser aesthetics, cosmetic surgery or dermal fillers, you may be able to turn back the clock on your look. To request more information on facial aging, call (843) 213-1480 or contact Dr. Dalal Akoury online.

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Hours and Directions
AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center


1604 Lamons Lane
Suite 202
Johnson City, TN 37604
(843) 213-1480


Mon: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Areas We Service:

Asheville, NC, Granite Falls, NC, Hudson, NC, Lenoir, NC, Hickory, NC, Boone, NC, North Wilkesboro, NC, Wilkesboro, NC, Greenville, SC, Morristown, TN, Knoxville, TN, Gatlinburg, TN, Kingsport, TN, Bristol, VA, Abingdon, VA