Dermaplaning Treatment in North Hills - Raleigh, NC

The outer surface of skin is made up of a layer of dead skin cells that create a dull, dry appearance, trap impurities and encourage the formation of blackheads. Often even expensive, high-quality topical products cannot penetrate this dead, congested layer of skin, and new skin cells are unable to surface.
To combat this skin concern, your trained aesthetician or dermatologist may recommend a dermaplaning treatment. Dermaplaning, also known as epidermal leveling, involves the use of a dry surgical blade to manually exfoliate the outer layers of your skin to remove dead skin and regenerate new skin cells. Dermaplaning is especially helpful for dull, sun-damaged skin. It is also an option for women with a large amount of "peach fuzz" or fine vellous facial hair since it is a form of "deep shaving" that removes facial hair along with the top layer of dead skin cells.
Dermaplaning treatments, in fact, are often used as a first step to open up the next layer of skin to allow for penetration of topical treatments or other procedures like microdermabrasion and chemical peels, to allow for a deeper level of exfoliation.
Dermaplaning can reduce the appearance of surface-level wrinkling, but will not address deep wrinkling caused by collagen breakdown. It is not recommended if you have acne, but it can help to smooth scarring from past acne and it will actually unblock blackheads and reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.
To schedule a consultation with a qualified skincare professional in North Hills - Raleigh that can provide dermaplaning treatment to revitalize your appearance, call (919) 301-0841 or contact Dr. Bhavna Vaidya-Tank online.
Dermaplaning vs. Microdermabrasion
Both dermaplaning and microdermabrasion are considered exfoliating facial treatments. Microdermabrasion is usually performed using an instrument or machine that is mildly abrasive to "sand" your skin and remove the outer layer. Most microdermabrasion instruments use some form of crystal or even diamond-heads as the means of abrasion.
Microdermabrasion is not recommended for rosacea patients, whereas dermaplaning can improve the appearance of rosacea. Conversely, microdermabrasion is recommended for patients with active acne, while dermaplaning is not, primarily because it removes hair and hair removal stimulates the hair follicle and thus acne breakouts. Microdermabrasion does not remove the vellum or fine hair on your face, and it can actually improve and prevent acne breakouts.
A dermaplaning facial is a hypoallergenic and chemical-free alternative to other exfoliation methods like chemical peels, and it is also more affordable than most chemical peels. However, if there are no chemical sensitivities, dermaplaning can be used as a precursor to and in conjunction with chemical peels.
Depending on who is performing the procedure, microdermabrasion usually involves a deeper level of exfoliation but also causes more redness than a dermaplaning treatment. Your skincare professional will evaluate the complexities of your skin to determine which treatment will have the best effect on your current skin state.
Candidates for Dermaplaning Treatment
Dermaplaning is ideal for patients who wish to normalize uneven skin tone. It is generally regarded as safe, and is even safe for patients with rosacea, unlike dermabrasion.
Dermaplaning treatments, while relatively safe, are not, however, indicated if you suffer from the following conditions:
- Active acne
- Recent radiation treatments
- Severe skin burn
- Previous chemical peel
- Other recent dermabrasion procedure
However, dermaplaning treatments can be an ideal method of exfoliation if you suffer from any of the following conditions:
- Pre-cancerous growths or keratoses
- Acne scarring
- Rosacea
Freckles can sometimes be removed by dermaplaning, so whether freckles fall into the recommended or non-recommended category depends on whether or not you like your freckles.
People with darker complexions may experience permanent blotchiness or discoloration after any dermabrasion procedure, but dermaplaning is considered less risky than chemical procedures. Dermaplaning may cause flare-ups in people who are prone to cold sores or fever blisters, or who tend to experience allergic skin reactions like redness, swelling or rashes.
What to Expect from Your Dermaplaning Facial
Dermaplaning treatments can be used for as small or as large a section of skin as is needed. Your skincare professional simply pulls the skin taut and strokes the blade gently across your skin at a 45 degree angle in a scraping motion. Treatments average 60 minutes or less. They are usually performed twice a month, monthly or as needed. The typical dermaplaning facial removes a 2-3 week accumulation of dead skin cells.
A typical (non-surgical) dermaplaning treatment involves no anesthesia, pain, redness, swelling or recovery time. You may be given the option to use other dermabrasion procedures following the dermaplaning treatment, like microdermabrasion or chemical peels, to cause a deeper level of dermabrasion.
There is some concern that the hair removed in dermaplaning treatments will grow back thicker. Vellous hairs are the tiny translucent blonde hairs—commonly called "peach fuzz"—that grow on your face, and shaving does not stimulate the growth or change of these hairs.
There are currently specialized razors being sold and promoted as tools for at-home dermaplaning or "dry-shaving," but you should never attempt dermaplaning without the assistance of a properly-trained and certified aesthetician, dermatologist, plastic surgeon or other trained healthcare provider.
Request more information about your dermaplaning facial today. Call (919) 301-0841 or contact Dr. Bhavna Vaidya-Tank online.
Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD
8020 Creedmoor RdRaleigh, NC 27613
(919) 301-0841