Kybella Injections in Creedmoor, NC

What is Kybella?
FDA-approved Kybella™ is a prescription injectable designed to mimic something your body already makes called deoxycholic acid, which helps absorb fats. This procedure is used exclusively to reduce the fat under the chin. Until this injectable was developed, those who wanted to reduce a double chin—medically known as submental fullness—would undergo a liposuction procedure. Kybella is a quick, effective, nonsurgical fat-melting procedure than can be performed in less than half an hour.
Many men and women have double chins that they would like to get rid of. Double chins can occur even if a person is not otherwise overweight, and they tend to make a person seem heavier than he or she actually is. Submental fat is generally believed to be caused by genetics, natural aging, or weight gain.
Kybella is an injectable that is comparable to other injectable solutions, but unlike other double-chin treatments, Kybella is permanent—it destroys fat cells and can improves the overall contour of the neck and jawline forever.
How Does Kybella Work?
The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which is naturally present in the body and plays a key role in managing fats. However, when used in Kybella, this acid works to safely break down the membranes of fat cells to start the body's natural healing process and removes them from the treatment area. This procedure is different than losing weight because Kybella permanently destroys the fat cells rather than shrinking them.
Kybella is provided in single-patient-use vials and should not be mixed or diluted. During a treatment, the patient will be given a local anesthetic to numb the injection area. To apply Kybella, the physician will create a grid of dots targeting the fat under the chin. He or she then performs about 10 to 20 injections in one session. Multiple injections are necessary to deliver Kybella to the site as evenly as possible so the gradual shrinking of the double chin looks natural.
A limit of six such treatments, no less than one month apart, is permissible. The treatment plan is tailored to the desired outcome by the physician, and it varies depending on each patient's situation. When properly injected by a trained professional, Kybella has been shown to dissolve submental fat and result in significant cosmetic improvement by creating a more streamlined contour along the jawline. Patients may experience some bruising, redness and swelling around the injection sites for up to a week after the procedure.
Who is a Candidate for Kybella?
According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, seven out of 10 people—men and women—are frustrated with submental fullness. Although the chin and neck are frequently overlooked by patients who seek to cosmetically enhance their appearance, these features function as an important frame for the face and can dramatically improve the way you look. The presence of submental fat, whether due to genetics, diet, aging or some combination thereof can add the impression of both years and pounds to a person's face.
Because there are no targeted exercises to get rid of a double chin—and even patients who are not overweight can have a double chin—Kybella is a great option for men and women of all ages. The time required to complete the procedure is about 15 to 20 minutes, and patients can return to work or their daily routines immediately afterward. Patients typically start seeing results within a couple of weeks.
Request more information about Kybella injections today. Call (919) 301-0841 or contact Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD online.
Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD
8020 Creedmoor RdRaleigh, NC 27613
(919) 301-0841